


Teaching for 1st ESO

In the 1st century B.C., Rome was no longer a city. It was the capital of a great empire. Romans ruled land from France to North Africa.

Look at this map and name some current (actuales) countries which were under the influence of Rome.

What do you know about Britain before the Romans invaded it?

Click HERE to find the answer to these questions:

a) Who ruled Britain before the Romans invaded it?

b) What year did The Romans invade Britain definitely? Which Emperor sent the Army to conquer Britain?

When the Romans were ruling Britain, things were not easy. Some Celts decided to make peace with them, but in other parts of Britain there were terrible battles against pirates or people from different tribes, like The Saxons.

Look on this links and Answer these questions:

c) Why did the Romans spread so quickly?

d) Give some information abour a Roman soldier,

e) Give some information about a Roman legionary and a Roman auxiliary.

f Why did Emperor Hadrian build a wall? What is the name of it? How long is it? How long did Romans take in building it?

When the Romans settled in Britain they established a particular way of life.

Let's learn a little bit about their everyday life, where they lived and what cities they founded. Answer these questions:g) Where did rich people live? Describe their houses.

h) Where can you find these houses in Great Britain now?

i) What was women's life like in Roman times?

Let's see what they did in their free time

j) Name three activities the Romans enjoyed.

k) Where in Britain can you find the most famous Roman baths? Have a look here too.

If you look at this TIMELINE you can calculate:

l) The number of years that the Romans stayed in Britain.


Lola Aceituno