
Migration:Causes and Examples


(Some small extracts taken from Richmond's Geography and History textbook)

(Photographs taken from Internet))

Migration is one of the most distinctive and visible characteristics of human population, and it means a reshaping of the population distribution.It is a dynamic process that is constantly changing Earth's landscapes and modifying its cultures.

The International Immigration and Refugee Association estimated 190 million international migrants in 2005, 3 per cent of the global population.

1. Let's distinguish two different concepts: Immigrants and Emigrants. Write in your notebook the meaning of these words and differences between them.

A. Migration inflow map (source: Wikipedia)

B. per capita income map

    • 2. Click on map B to see it bigger and identify the richest and poorest AREAS IN THE WORLD.
    • 3. Analyze the two maps: Comment in the class the relationship that you can observe between them.

Migrations are caused for different causes:

Migration can be voluntary or forced.

  1. 1. Voluntary migration occurs when people look for better living conditions.
  2. They want to escape from poverty, famine or unemployment.
  3. This was the case of millions of Irish who emigrated to the United States in the 1840s because of the potato famine, or the millions of Somalis, Sudanese and Rwandans who moved in the 1990s because of drought, famine and war.
  4. 2. Forced migration has happened in History. Such is the case with African Americans who were taken to North and South America in the 16th, 18th and 19th centuries to work as slave laborers on sugar, cotton and tobacco plantations. Refugees are also forced migrants because they are suffering persecution.

We'll look at some real examples of emigrants. You should recognize if their emigration was forced or voluntary. And then you should justify your answer explaining the causes.

Savita's story

Winnie's story

Yumba's story

M's story